Language, culture, discourse, cognitive-discursive approach, complex synergistic continuumSynopsis
The monograph represents a new interpretation of the relationship between the phenomenon of a Man and the triad of LANGUAGE – CULTURE – DISCOURSE.
Taking into account the new cognitive-discursive approach, the authors made an attempt to harmonize their scientific observations with the content of the studied macrolinguistic issues in the three parts of the monograph.
A general methodology was developed for analysis of factual material, the results of which proved that language and culture are sources for the construction of various types of discourse (artistic, political, and religious). The key narratives of each type of discourse reproduce the value con- stants and dominants of ethnic groups at various stages of civilizational and planetary development.
The concept of the monograph is the triad of LANGUAGE – CULTURE – DISCOURSE that is interpreted as an extremely complex synergistic continuum of an open type, which takes on material form with the participation of a Man, i.e. a representative of certain social communities and, at the same time, a generator of various types of speech, which ensures efficient communication of communication participants.
ISBN 978-617-7319-60-2 (on-line)
ISBN 978-617-7319-69-5 (print)
How to cite: Kyrysiuk, A., Kapranov, Ya., Izotova, N., Vasko, R., Korolyova, A., Shutova, M. et al.; Vasko, R. (Ed.) (2022). Language. Culture. Discourse. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 172. doi:
CHAPTER 1 Lexico-semantic graphs as formalized schemes of reflection of fragment of reality in human consciousness
by Anastasiia Kyrysiuk
CHAPTER 2 AntConc corpus manager and its possibilities for keywords with resilience semantics search
by Yan Kapranov
CHAPTER 3 The interplay of linguistic means managing the reader's attention: the slow reading method
by Natalya Izotova
CHAPTER 1 Cuneiform system of writing as ancient civilizations value
by Roman Vasko
CHAPTER 2 Culture as an environment for language typology formation
by Alla Korolyova
CHAPTER 3 Concept of engl. Courage / ukr. Хоробрість as stereotype of ethnocultural mentality of Ukrainians and English
by Mariia Shutova
CHAPTER 1 In search of narrative identity: how writers construct their identity in narratives
by Ruslana Savchuk
CHAPTER 2 Cognitive and rhetoric modelling of political metadiscourse: a comparative study of B. Johnson's and V. Zelenskyy’s addresses to the UK and Ukrainian parlaments correspondingly
by Yaroslava Gnezdilova
CHAPTER 3 Postirony in hysterical realism discourse
by Oksana Babelyuk
CHAPTER 4 Cognitive religious-biblical model of behaviour in representatives of different linguistic cultures in crisis situations
by Olesya Cherkhava
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