About the Press


DOI-prefix: 10.15587

We are glad to welcome you to our website. If you are preparing for the publication of your monograph, we will be happy to help you with this.


Choose an option:

  1. Edition in English with indexing by world resources

Your manuscript is new and unique, not previously published.
You want your work to be noticed at the world scientific level.
You want your monograph to be indexed by prestigious global resources (indexing). 
We will become your publisher.

  1. Reprinted in English abroad with indexing by world resources

You have been working on a specific topic, problem for many years, have thoroughly studied or continue to study. You are the author of many monographs, which are the result of your many years of work. These monographs are your experience, knowledge, research, theory, analysis. But they are not in English, so much of the attention they deserve is lost. We offer you, with the help of our partner Scientific Route OÜ ® (Estonia), to republish your monographs in English. This will give you the opportunity to show them to the entire world scientific community, and the electronic format will significantly expand the audience of readers (indexing). 

Your monograph will receive a new cover, electronic ISBN, modern design style. You will be able to make corrections or changes in the text. Most importantly, your manuscript will finally be indexed by worldwide resources. Our foreign partners will become your publisher.

  1. Edition in Ukrainian (other) language

You need to publish a textbook, study guide, teaching materials or monographs in your native language. Then you can contact us as partners. We will carry out prepress preparation of your manuscript in full and make a print run, as required. Let’s note that in this case the ISBN is provided by your organization, which will act as the publisher.

Open Access Policy

Copyringht statement

Privacy statement


Books published by the scientific publishing house TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC ®, focused on the publication of original scientific solutions in the applied direction. By applied orientation, we mean the practical potential of systematized scientific work in the form of a monograph, which can be revealed in the process of implementation in various spheres of the national economy. Therefore, the process of publishing each monograph is preceded by an assessment of its potential, which is carried out by experts in two directions:

- assessment of scientific potential through the prism of systems analysis;

- assessment of applied potential through the prism of the practical significance of the content.

These procedures are carried out at two levels:

- double blind peer review by expert scholars in this area of knowledge;

- recommendations of universities, which recommend this monograph for publication.


Open Access Policy

Some of the books in the catalog are open access books. Users have the ability to read, download, copy and distribute content for educational and scientific purposes with the obligatory attribution. Changing the material and using it for commercial purposes is prohibited.


Copyright statement

Answers to frequently asked questions about copyright can be found here.

Our publisher uses the CREATIVE COMMONS copyright statement for both public and private books. The authors who are the authors of these books agree to the following terms:

  1. The authors reserve the right to copyright their work and transfer to the publisher the right to publish this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely distribute the published work with a mandatory link to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work.
  2. Authors have the right to enter into independent additional agreements that relate to non-exclusive distribution of the work in the form in which it was published by this publisher (for example, to post the work in the electronic repository of the institution), provided that the link to the first publication of the work by this publisher is preserved.

More about copyright

Frequently asked questions about copyright

 For license issues, please read carefully https://creativecommons.org/licenses/  or contact info@entc.com.ua .


Privacy statement

The publisher pays special attention to preserving all information that comes to the publisher and has not yet been published. The basic principles guided by editors:

- all reviewers confirm the confidentiality of the information with which they work prior to publication;

- if the reviewer needs help or expert advice on a specific topic, reviewers report to the publisher and receive permission for such consultation;

- information provided by the authors to the publisher is not transferred to third parties;

- all contact information (phone numbers and addresses) that the authors provide to the publisher is used only by editors and is not shared with third parties.

Received information

We obtain information about you in several ways: directly from your input provided by you, from third-party open sources and through our internal database.

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