Copyright in Collective Monographs



First, let's understand what copyright is.

Copyright is the author's intellectual right to his/her works, which include literary and musical works, films and performances, paintings and sculptures, programs and developments, graphic and architectural objects, and much more. The basic principle of copyright is that it applies specifically to the form of expression, and not to the idea or concept of the work.

Usually copyrights are divided into property and non-property rights. Property rights allow the author to receive monetary compensation for the use of his work by others, for example, the reproduction of a theatrical production, the sale of musical works or copies of books, etc. Non-property rights provide the author with recognition as a primary source and give him the right to protect his/her reputation.

Typically, copyright lasts for the life of the author and for another 70 years after his death, but in some countries this period can be extended.

Features of copyright in the scientific field.

Usually the copyright owner is the author of the development or publication, but there may be nuances. For example, in a cooperation agreement it is stipulated that the employer is the applicant for copyright on the results of the work of the employee, or the sponsor of the study, as the customer, receives all rights.

Let's take a situation: a scientist works at a university, in order to confirm his/her qualifications, he needs to publish the results of the study. The labor agreement does not say anything about copyright for the results of his/her work. Therefore, while a scientist independently, outside of working hours, conducts experiments, describes the results and pays for publishing services, no one except him can claim the copyright to the published results.. But if all his/her work and publications are funded by the university, the university can request the alienation of copyright in its favor.

Features of copyright in scientific publishing.

First of all, what should a scientist pay attention to – under what conditions the publication takes place. There is such a world practice as obtaining copyright for a work by a publisher in exchange for free publication. At first glance, nothing like that, the main thing is to publish the results of the work so that scientists from all over the world can use them. However, in this way the publisher will be able to use your work as he pleases and receive financial benefits, thus blocking the free publication. And you, as a true author, no longer have the right to distribute your work or sell it.

Note that the publishing house PC "TECHNOLOGY CENTER" never takes copyright. Yes, that's why we charge a refund of publishing costs, but you, the author, remain the author with all intellectual rights.

Features of copyright in a collective monograph.

Everything is simple here. Copyright is retained by the team of authors of each section separately, which certifies the License Agreement for each section.

The copyright holders of a section are indicated as a list of authors on the first page of the section.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that Copyright is not only a right, but to the same extent a responsibility in case of detection of plagiarism.

Treat it responsibly. It is easier to send the copyright holder a request for permission to use the work than to pay damages later.