
Iaroslava Levchenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Illia Dmytriiev, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Yuriy Beketov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Igor Britchenko, State Higher Vocational School Memorial of Prof. Stanislaw Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg; Sholpan Bekmukhanbetova, Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute; Marzhan Sadenova, D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University; Oleksandr Mordovtsev, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Marian Tripak, Educational Rehabilitation Institution of Higher Education Kamyanets-Podilsky State Institute; Oksana Dmytriieva, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Viacheslav Kudriavtsev, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Oksana Kudriavtseva, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Inna Shevchenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Inesa Shumilo, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University; Gulbarshyn Smailova, Satbayev University; Yana Dohadailo, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Valentyna Nesterenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Oksana Kryvoruchko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Larysa Achkasova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Olena Kirdina, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Iryna Tokmakova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Myroslava Korin, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Viktoriia Ovchynnikova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Dariya Toropova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Vladislava Toropova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Volodymyr Dykan, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Hanna Obruch, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport; Tetiana Charkina, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology; Viacheslav Zadoia, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology; Anton Kholodov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University; Mykhailo Kholodov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University


road and transport system, road transport, railway transport, road construction, transport and logistics services, competences of employees, control, quality of transport services


The monograph pays attention to the problems and prospects of innovative development of the road and transport complex. In Ukraine, the road and transport complex is classified as a priority system. And taking into account its key role in the defense of the state, the need to carry out scientific developments and practical recommendations for the development of the road and transport system as a whole is becoming urgent.

Factors affecting the transport infrastructure of the area and the economic consequences of their implementation have been systematized, and a system of management of the transport infrastructure has been developed. The stages of formation and implementation of entrepreneurial strategies, which determine the sustainable innovative development of road and railway transport enterprises, have been developed. The methodical approach to the development of the list of indicators of preventive anti-crisis management of the road enterprise has been improved thanks to the comprehensive consideration of the results of the study of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the indicators of the CVP analysis. The personnel management system of the motor vehicle enterprise has been formed on the basis of a holistic approach, and a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise's personnel control was proposed, which helps to identify the weakest points in the existing control system. In order to determine the objects of innovative activity, the urgency and timeliness of the application of functional-cost analysis has been proven. In order to achieve an economic and ecological effect in defined strategy improve cars for earthy road construction works.

The proposed theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the development of the road and transport complex are of theoretical and practical interest for scientists, entrepreneurs and state administration bodies.

ISBN 978-617-7319-71-8 (on-line)

How to Cite: Levchenko, Ia., Dmytriiev, I., Beketov, Yu., Britchenko, I., Bekmukhanbetova, Sh., Sadenova., M. et al.; Levchenko, Ia., Dmytriiev, I. (Eds.) (2023). Innovative development of the road and transport complex: problems and prospects. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 196. doi:



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CHAPTER 1 Improvement of the quality management methods of cargo transportation by road transport
by Yuriy Beketov, Iaroslava Levchenko, Igor Britchenko, Sholpan Bekmukhanbetova, Marzhan Sadenova

CHAPTER 2 Road transport infrastructure development program of the region: improvement of main areas
by Oleksandr Mordovtsev, Marian Tripak, Iaroslava Levchenko, Oksana Dmytriieva, Igor Britchenko

CHAPTER 3 Theoretical foundation of the component mechanism of sustainable development management of transport enterprises
by Viacheslav Kudriavtsev, Oksana Kudriavtseva, Inna Shevchenko, Inesa Shumilo, Gulbarshyn Smailova

CHAPTER 4 Preventive anti-crisis management of road enterprises in conditions of sustainable development
by Yana Dohadailo, Iaroslava Levchenko, Inna Shevchenko, Valentyna Nesterenko, Igor Britchenko

CHAPTER 5 Personnel management system based on a holistic approach: formation and development in the context of ensuring innovative development of motor transport enterprises
by Oksana Kryvoruchko, Illia Dmytriiev, Iaroslava Levchenko

CHAPTER 6 Assessment of the efficiency of work control of the employees of the motor transport enterprise
by Larysa Achkasova, Illia Dmytriiev, Inna Shevchenko

CHAPTER 7 Strategic priorities for the development of railway transport enterprises in the context of ensuring their digital transformation
by Olena Kirdina, Iryna Tokmakova, Myroslava Korin, Illia Dmytriiev

CHAPTER 8 Management of innovative development projects of railway transport enterprises
by Viktoriia Ovchynnikova, Dariya Toropova, Vladislava Toropova, Illia Dmytriiev

CHAPTER 9 Conceptual provisions for ensuring balanced development of railway transport enterprises under the conditions of implementation of digital changes in the industry
by Volodymyr Dykan, Hanna Obruch, Illia Dmytriiev

CHAPTER 10 Marketing management at railway transport enterprises
by Tetiana Charkina, Viacheslav Zadoia, Oksana Dmytriieva

CHAPTER 11 Hybrid drives as a way to efficient road construction
by Anton Kholodov, Mykhailo Kholodov

Author Biographies

Iaroslava Levchenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Sciences in Management and Administration, Professor
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
Corresponding author:
Mail to

Illia Dmytriiev, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Yuriy Beketov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Transport Technologies

Igor Britchenko, State Higher Vocational School Memorial of Prof. Stanislaw Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Department of Technical and Economic Sciences

Sholpan Bekmukhanbetova, Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute

PhD, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for International affairs

Marzhan Sadenova, D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher
Center of Excellence "Veritas"

Oleksandr Mordovtsev, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Marian Tripak, Educational Rehabilitation Institution of Higher Education Kamyanets-Podilsky State Institute

PhD, Associate Professor

Oksana Dmytriieva, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Viacheslav Kudriavtsev, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Oksana Kudriavtseva, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Management

Inna Shevchenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Department of Economics and Business

Inesa Shumilo, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Private International Law and Comparative Law

Gulbarshyn Smailova, Satbayev University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Yana Dohadailo, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Automobile Road Construction and Maintenance

Valentyna Nesterenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Oksana Kryvoruchko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Department of Management

Larysa Achkasova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Management

Olena Kirdina, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Doctor of Science in Economics and Management of National Economy, Professor
Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit

Iryna Tokmakova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Doctor of Science in Economics and Management of National Economy, Professor
Department of Economics and Management of Industrial and Commercial Business

Myroslava Korin, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Doctor of Science in Economics and Management of National Economy, Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Management of Industrial and Commercial Business

Viktoriia Ovchynnikova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Doctor of Science in Economics and Management of National Economy, Professor
Department Economics and Management of Production and Commercial Business

Dariya Toropova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Postgraduate Student
Department of Marketing, Commercial Activity and Economic Theory

Vladislava Toropova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Postgraduate Student
Department of Marketing, Commercial Activity and Economic Theory

Volodymyr Dykan, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Doctor of Sciences in Management, Planning and State Regulation of Economy, Professor
Department of Economics and Management of Industrial and Commercial Business

Hanna Obruch, Ukrainian State University of Railway Tansport

Doctor of Science in "Economics and Enterprise Management (by types of economic activity)", Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Management of Industrial and Commercial Business

Tetiana Charkina, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology

Doctor of Science in Economics and Management of National Economy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department
Department of Economics and Management

Viacheslav Zadoia, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Management

Anton Kholodov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Construction and Road-Building Machinery

Mykhailo Kholodov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Automobiles


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May 7, 2023

How to Cite

Levchenko, I., Dmytriiev, I., Beketov, Y., Britchenko, I., Bekmukhanbetova, S., Sadenova, M., Mordovtsev, O., Tripak, M., Dmytriieva, O., Kudriavtsev, V., Kudriavtseva, O., Shevchenko, I., Shumilo, I., Smailova, G., Dohadailo, Y., Nesterenko, V., Kryvoruchko, O., Achkasova, L., Kirdina, O., Tokmakova, I., Korin, M., Ovchynnikova, V., Toropova, D., Toropova, V., Dykan, V., Obruch, H., Charkina, T., Zadoia, V., Kholodov, A., & Kholodov, M. (2023). INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROAD AND TRANSPORT COMPLEX: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. Kharkiv: TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC.