culture, Ukrainian culture, cultural studies, art history, culturation, communicative culture, cultural and artistic education, cultural management, cultural practices, animation approach, social media platforms, visual cultural studies, oriental studies, art-oriental studies, Judaica, Japonism, Orientalism, history of cinema, history of film education, Ukrainian cinematography, war film genres, theater schools, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, UkraineSynopsis
The monograph summarizes the results of scientific research by leading specialists of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture in the field of cultural studies and art history.
The first section of the monograph "Applied cultural studies" highlights the modern achievements of scientists regarding the content of complex processes of culturation and acculturation as key trends in the formation of the personality culture of modern youth, identifies the features of current cultural practices and the newest means of culture creation, reveals their possibilities for the prevention of post-war social alienation. The results of the study of visual frames of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which combined the stereotypes of media coverage of Russian aggression with the mental features of traditional Ukrainian culture, are original.
The second section of the monograph "Actual problems of modern art history" highlights the historical transformations of art-oriental studies, film education and film art, features of the formation of auteur theater schools in Ukraine. The introduction into scientific circulation of unique biographical and factual information about little-known aspects of the development of various types of art is of indisputable value.
The monograph is intended for scientists, students, graduate students, teachers who are interested in the problems and directions of development of Ukrainian humanitarian studies, cultural studies and art studies.
ISBN 978-617-7319-95-4 (on-line)
CHAPTER 1 Culturation of personality is a key trend of higher cultural and artistic education
by Vasyl Sheyko, Natalya Kushnarenko
CHAPTER 2 Culture-creating mission of the management of socio-cultural activities in the context of applied cultural studies
by Nataliia Maksymovska
CHAPTER 3 Visual frames of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Ukrainian culture
by Kostiantyn Kysliuk
CHAPTER 1 Art-Orientalism in Kharkiv: history, theory, practice
by Svitlana Rybalko
CHAPTER 2 The birth and establishment of film education in Ukraine (1916–1930)
by Volodymyr Myslavskyi
CHAPTER 3 War film: morphological and dramaturgical analysis
by Olga Kosachova
CHAPTER 4 Kharkiv educational and theater school as an artistic phenomenon
by Svitlana Fievralova, Viktoriia Khvorostenko
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