aluminum alloys, Al-Mg-Sc system, alloying, chrome, REM, deformation treatment, structure, structural strength, corrosion resistance, damage, vacuum magnetohydrodynamic mixer, continuous ingot casting machine, modification, heat-resistant corrosion-resistant nickel alloys, gas turbine engine blades, directional crystallization, composite castings, cast reinforced structures, iron-carbon alloys, gasification model casting, chromium-nickel alloys, austenite, hardness, wear rate, wear resistance index, deformable aluminum alloys, vacuum magnetohydrodynamic complex, heat-resistant alloy, gas turbine engine, turbine blade, continuously cast aluminum ingots, iron-carbon alloyscasting according to gasifying models, thermal destruction of polystyrene, physical and mechanical properties of cast structures, influence of pressure on metalSynopsis
Collective monograph highlights the results of systematic scientific research devoted to the problems of forming alloys with specified properties for various operating conditions of parts made from them. It also considers the characteristics of alloys of several systems, mechanisms of structure formation, properties and technological features of obtaining such alloys.
Chapter 1 presents the results of studies of the effect of reducing the magnesium content and alloying with scandium, zirconium, manganese, chromium, and SRM on the structure, phase composition, strength, plasticity, and crack resistance, as well as the corrosion potential and current of alloys of the Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Sc systems, obtained using a magnetohydrodynamic foundry. A positive effect of reducing the magnesium content, as well as the replacement of manganese with chromium and doping with lanthanum in alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system in the cast state and after extrusion, pressing and rolling has been established. It is shown that due to dispersion strengthening by secondary intermetallics of chromium and lanthanum, this alloy in the cast state after homogenization is superior in strength to the well-known alloys of grades 1570 and 1545. After hot and cold rolling, it is not inferior to these alloys in terms of strength and plasticity, but has higher corrosion resistance characteristics. In terms of structural strength, which is comprehensively determined by the characteristics of strength and cyclic crack resistance, such alloys are superior to the well-known Al-Mg-Sc, Al-Mg and Al-Cu-Mg systems.
Chapter 2 presents the results of the development of new highly efficient foundry technologies for the production of cast and composite structural materials and products with high operational characteristics from alloyed and reinforced aluminum, iron-carbon and heat-resistant alloys. In particular, the results of obtaining blades of gas turbine engines (GTE) with a regular directional casting structure using the method of jet gas cooling of molds in a vacuum are presented. Promising technologies for obtaining cast iron and steel reinforced structures based on gasification models by liquid-phase combination of system components have been developed.
Chapter 3 is devoted to determining the patterns of structure formation, phase composition, and tribological properties of heat-resistant chrome-nickel alloys "Nikorin". New solutions to the scientific and practical problem, which consists in increasing the complex of tribological properties and heat resistance of chromium-nickel alloys for modern engineering, are presented. The composition of heat-resistant chrome-nickel alloys, the distribution of alloying elements between phases and structural components have been studied, and the dependence of changes in mechanical properties on the parameters of the structure and phase composition has been established. The results of determining the structure, phase composition, and microhardness of the structural components of the heat-resistant chrome-nickel alloy "Nikorin" after quenching at different temperatures, as well as the tribological properties of chrome-nickel alloys in the cast state, are given.
Chapter 4 presents the results of determining the influence of electromagnetic mixing and alloying on the properties of deformable aluminum alloys, on the phase state and structural stability of heat-resistant corrosion-resistant alloys used for the manufacture of turbine blades of gas turbine engines (GTE). The results of studies on the effect of alloying a heat-resistant nickel-based alloy with tantalum and rhenium on its operational characteristics are presented. It has been proven that under the controlled influence of technological factors and excess pressure (2...6 MPa) on liquid metal and during its crystallization, it is possible to increase the mechanical strength and reduce the porosity of cast iron and steel castings by 15...30%, compared to gravity casting according to models , which are gasified.
The monograph is intended for researchers dealing with issues of synthesis of alloys and the development of technologies for their production based on modern phenomena about the mechanisms of formation of structure and properties for various operational applications.
The monograph is also useful for practitioners – designers, metallurgists, technologists who implement modern solutions in the field of materials science of metals and alloys in the practical conditions of their enterprises and are interested in increasing the competitiveness of their products.
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