
Ivan Mamontov, Kharkiv National Medical University; Kostyantin Kramarenko, Kharkiv National Medical University; Tamara Tamm, Kharkiv National Medical University; Valentin Nepomniashchyi, Kharkiv National Medical University; Olena Shakalova, Kharkiv National Medical University; Dmytro Ryabushchenko, Kharkiv National Medical University; Olha Yuryk, State Institution «Іnstitute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»; Lukyan Anatychuk, (1) Institute of Thermoelectricity of National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Roman Kobylianskyi, (1) Institute of Thermoelectricity of National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Nadiia Yuryk, State Institution «Іnstitute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»; Liliia Yukhymenko, Cherkasy National University Named after Bohdan Khmelnyskyi; Sergii Khomenko, Cherkasy National University Named after Bohdan Khmelnyskyi; Lidiia Iliukha, Cherkasy National University Named after Bohdan Khmelnyskyi; Dmytro Maltsev, Bogomolets National Medical University; Lyudmyla Yuryeva, Dnipro State Medical University; Andrii Shornikov, Dnipro State Medical University


monitoring, diagnostics, nervous system, basic nervous processes, functional mobility, central nervous system, higher nervous activity, sensorimotor reactivity, individual typological properties, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive syndrome, immunodiagnostics, biochemical correction, immunotherapy, ERCP, endoscopic lithoextraction, biliary obstruction, biliary decompression, choledocholithiasis, Mirizzi syndrome, tumor obstruction, chronic pancreatitis, heat flux density, temperature, thermometric indicators, inflammatory processes of the human body, osteochondrosis of the spine, thermoelectric device, internet addiction, cyber addiction, diagnosis, YSCAS scale, computer addiction, mental health problem


Collective monograph contains the results of scientific research devoted to new views and proposals for the diagnosis of certain diseases. The proposed solutions are important for clinical practice and inspire optimism in obtaining encouraging results in overcoming some pathologies.

Chapter 1 is dedicated to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography - a contrast study of the bile ducts and ductal system of the pancreas, which is achieved by their cannulation with the help of a flexible endoscope and their visualization by X-ray (fluoroscopy). Thanks to this, it becomes possible to diagnose and perform medical interventions for choledocholithiasis, benign and malignant obstruction of the bile ducts, chronic pancreatitis accompanied by obstruction of the pancreatic ducts.

Chapter 2 presents the results of the development of a thermoelectric device for diagnosing inflammatory processes and pain syndrome in degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbosacral spine. Such a device makes it possible to save, process and visualize measurement results on the display of the device and on a personal computer in real time. The results of clinical studies of thermometric indicators in the lumbosacral region of the spine in persons with chronic pain syndrome against the background of degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the spine in the presence of hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs are given. The effectiveness of the proposed thermoelectric device in medical practice has been confirmed.

Chapter 3 presents the results of the examination of various contingents of the population: students, athletes, mobile operators, people with hearing loss, post-covid syndrome and psychophysiological lability developed under martial law. The features of information processing by examinees with different degrees of functional mobility of nervous processes are highlighted. It was found that the deprivation of auditory function, post-conviction syndrome, psychophysiological lability developed in the conditions of martial law significantly reduce the level of neural processes and the ability to process information.
The evaluation scales of neurodynamic and sensorimotor functions proposed for use in the medical field can be used to optimize diagnosis and increase the effectiveness of monitoring neurological morbidity, including in people with special needs.

Chapter 4 is devoted to the problems of children's neuropsychiatric diseases, in particular brain damage in children with ASD. Restrained optimism is expressed for the prospect of overcoming this severe psychiatric pathology in the foreseeable future due to the introduction of genetic, biochemical and immunodiagnostic approaches, as well as metabolic and immunotherapeutic interventions with neuroprotective effects. Arguments are presented in favor of the fact that the successful testing in clinical practice of evidence-based personalized multidisciplinary strategies of diagnosis and treatment will allow a breakthrough in the clinical management of children with severe mental disorders in the near future. This will provide not only the possibility of recovery from a prognostically unfavorable and currently incurable neuropsychiatric disorder, but will also contribute to stopping the large-scale threatening epidemic of neuropsychiatric syndromes in the modern child population.

Chapter 5 presents the evolution of views on the problem of Internet addiction, provides information on its prevalence, comorbidity with mental disorders, and provides an overview of modern clinical classifications and psychometric tools for its diagnosis. A single definition of "cyber addiction" is singled out, based on the fact that the object of addiction is interaction with various information resources and technical means.
The proposed clinical diagnostic criteria, which are based on the criteria for the diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances ICD-11, and the characteristics of the boundary with normative behavior when using various information resources and technical means are provided. The development and validation of a new psychodiagnostic screening tool based on the proposed cyber addiction paradigm, the YSCAS scale, is presented.

The monograph is intended for doctors and practitioners who are engaged in the search and implementation of effective diagnostic methods to overcome the problems associated with the detection and treatment of certain pathologies. The monograph can also be useful to postgraduate and master's students of universities in the relevant educational and scientific profile.

ISBN 978-617-7319-65-7 (on-line)


How to Cite: Modern methods of diagnosing disaeses (2023). Kharkiv: PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 176. doi:



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CHAPTER 1 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
by Ivan Mamontov, Kostyantin Kramarenko, Tamara Tamm, Valentin Nepomniashchyi, Olena Shakalova, Dmytro Rjabushhenko

CHAPTER 2 Measurement of heat flux density as a new method of diagnosing neurological
by Olha Yuryk, Lukyan Anatychuk, Roman Kobylianskyi, Nadiia Yuryk

CHAPTER 3 Diagnosis and monitoring of the functioning of the human nervous system
by Liliia Yukhymenko, Sergii Khomenko, Lidiia Iliukha

CHAPTER 4 Folate-centric concept of pathogenesis and GBINC personalized multidisciplinary
by Dmytro Maltsev

CHAPTER 5 Cyber addiction: a new view and approaches to diagnostics
by Lyudmyla Yuryeva, Andrii Shornikov

Author Biographies

Ivan Mamontov, Kharkiv National Medical University

Doctor of Medical Science, Associate Professor
Department of Surgery No. 6

Kostyantin Kramarenko, Kharkiv National Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Surgery No. 6

Tamara Tamm, Kharkiv National Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Department of Surgery No. 6

Valentin Nepomniashchyi, Kharkiv National Medical University

Doctor of Medical Science, Associate Professor
Department of Surgery No. 6

Olena Shakalova, Kharkiv National Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Surgery No. 6

Dmytro Ryabushchenko, Kharkiv National Medical University

Postgraduate Student
Department of Surgery No. 6

Olha Yuryk, State Institution «Іnstitute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of Laboratory
Laboratory of Neuroorthopedics and pain problems

Lukyan Anatychuk, (1) Institute of Thermoelectricity of National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

(1) Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Director of Institute
(2) Head of Department
Department of Thermoelectricity
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Roman Kobylianskyi, (1) Institute of Thermoelectricity of National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

(1) PhD, Senior Researcher
(2) Department of Thermoelectricity
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Nadiia Yuryk, State Institution «Іnstitute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»


Liliia Yukhymenko, Cherkasy National University Named after Bohdan Khmelnyskyi

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Rehabilitation

Sergii Khomenko, Cherkasy National University Named after Bohdan Khmelnyskyi

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Rehabilitation

Lidiia Iliukha, Cherkasy National University Named after Bohdan Khmelnyskyi

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Rehabilitation

Dmytro Maltsev, Bogomolets National Medical University

PhD, Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory of immunology and molecular biology
Research institute of experimental and clinical medicine

Lyudmyla Yuryeva, Dnipro State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor
Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology

Andrii Shornikov, Dnipro State Medical University

Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology


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March 23, 2023

How to Cite

Mamontov, I., Kramarenko, K., Tamm, T., Nepomniashchyi, V., Shakalova, O., Ryabushchenko, D., Yuryk, O., Anatychuk, L., Kobylianskyi, R., Yuryk, N., Yukhymenko, L., Khomenko, S., Iliukha, L., Maltsev, D., Yuryeva, L., & Shornikov, A. (2023). MODERN METHODS OF DIAGNOSING DISEASES. Kharkiv: TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC.