Offers of Foreign Assistance for Ukrainian Scientists from the NRFU
On the website of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU), Ukrainian scientists can find a list of offers of foreign assistance from various organizations of the world engaged in scientific activities. We invite you to review it and find an offer to suit your needs.
- DAAD Ukraine
- The Finnish Society of Sciences And Letters
- Ukrainian Scholar Placement Database
- Chance for Science (Universität Leipzig)
- Дослідницькі програми у Швейцарії для підтримки українських вчених
- Ukraine Scientific Scholarship Program Dresden (UKRAPRO)
- Taiwan International Graduate Program
- The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
- The Open Society University Network (OSUN)
- FAITHLAB in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at NYCU
- Cardiff Uni, UK
- Портал Європейської дослідницької ради (ERC)
- The Ronald and Eileen Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia (WCEE)
- Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)
- University of Wrocław, Łukasiewicz Research Network
- University of Oulu (Finland)
- Taiwan Scholarships for Ukrainian Students and Scholars
- «Solidarni z Ukrainą» NAWA
- Grants Global and Local resources
- FWF Austrian Science Fund
- Open Society University Network (OSUN)
- The German-Ukrainian Academic Society
- College de France
- Scholars at Risk
- The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) (Poland)
- UCL (London’s leading multidisciplinary university)
- The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA
- The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
- ScienceForUkraine
- The Swiss National Science foundation
- The German funding agency (DFG)
- Volkswagen
We hope that Ukrainian scientists who need support in their research will find an organization with conditions suitable for their research.
Everything will be Ukraine!