Contests of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2022



The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has announced contests to be held in 2022:

  • contests for Outstanding Scientists of Ukraine Awards;
  • contests for the Vernadsky Gold Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
  • contests for prizes for young scientists and students of higher education institutions for the best scientific works.

Competition for outstanding scientists of Ukraine
The prize is awarded to scientists who have published the best scientific works, made innovations and discoveries of great importance for the development of Ukrainian science and economy.
Deadline for submission of works: November 1, 2022.
Who may take part: Members and Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, regardless of permanent place of work, and persons working in research institutions, higher educational institutions, enterprises and organizations in Ukraine; groups of authors who have performed work that qualifies for the award, if most of the authors work in research institutions, higher educational institutions, enterprises and organizations located in Ukraine.
List of documents and requirements for participation:

Competition for the V.I. Vernadsky Gold Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Awarded to domestic and foreign scientists for outstanding achievements in the field of natural, technical and socio-humanitarian sciences.
Deadline for submission of work: November 12, 2022.
Who may take part: Members and Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, regardless of their permanent place of work; foreign scientists; persons working in research institutions, colleges, enterprises and organizations on the territory of Ukraine.
List of documents and requirements for participation:

Competition for young scientists and students of higher educational institutions for the best scientific work
Prizes are awarded for outstanding scientific work, as well as for a series of scientific papers on general topics, for results and conclusions in the field of natural, technical and socio-humanitarian sciences.
Deadline for submission of works: December 15, 2022.
Who may take part: researchers, teachers, scientific trainees and postgraduates of research institutions, higher educational institutions under the age of 35 years, students, as well as postgraduates and foreign students who study at higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
List of documents and requirements for participation:

