Open Access Week 2022: Open for Climate Justice



The Open Access Week is an international event that provides an opportunity for scientists and researchers to participate in the dissemination of knowledge about open science and the direct exchange of knowledge about political and social issues that affect modernity. Leading organizations and scientists want to contribute to Open Access.

The Open Access Week 2022 will be held for the twelfth time, from October 24 to 30. The theme of the event is "Open for Climate Justice". The Open Access Week Advisory Committee's theme is not unreasonable, as the climate crisis is one of the most important issues for the international community, so knowledge needs to be maximized and used to address climate issues. And despite geographic and economic borders and differing viewpoints, we must all do our part to make knowledge accessible and connect communities.

Although the Open Access Week has official dates, we encourage you to spread the word, discuss and organize other events throughout the year. The official hashtag for the week is #OAWeek.

For more information about International Open Access Week, please visit source