DAAD has Opened the Website of the National Academic Contact Center for Ukraine



According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has opened the website of the National Academic Contact Center for Ukraine.

This platform is designed to support Ukrainian scientists and students who were forced to leave their homes because of the war in Ukraine. It will provide useful information about living, using university facilities, education and research, and daily life in Germany.

The site is available in German, English and Ukrainian. Scholars can also learn about German universities, scientific organizations, student groups and foundations on the platform.

There are currently about 60 offerings in the field of science on the site. The Academic Contact Center also responds to individual inquiries from Ukrainian students and scientists, who can immediately ask for advice in Ukrainian.

Universities, research organizations and foundations can send their requests for student and scholar support directly to DAAD.

So if you know a Ukrainian scholar or student in need of support in Germany, please feel free to show him or her our news. It will surely be useful for him or her.

Source: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/nimecka-sluzhba-akademichnih-obminiv-daad-zapuskaye-vebsajt-dlya-dopomogi-ukrayini